Koru Medical Spa Black Friday Specials


Black Friday is here for ONE DAY ONLY. Enjoy the biggest discounts we’ve offered yet to help get your skin glowing for the holidays.

Classic & Elite Member Exclusive Deals

- Buy any TWO Cheek Fillers (Lyft, RH4, Contour, Voluma) get a THIRD Filler FREE (of Equal or Lesser Value).

- Take an Extra 20% OFF all RF Microneedling, Cool Peel and Duo Packages

- 20% OFF PROLON 5 Day Detox Kits, while supplies last

- Three and Free: Purchase a Series of Skin Pen Microneedling and get a FREE MICRONEEDLING AND VI PEEL

All Guests

- Lips and Lashes. Purchase Restalyne Kysse and receive a FREE Revitalash and Revitabrow (while supplies last).

- Free Lip Flip with purchase of 25 Units of Neurotoxin (Botox, Dysport, Jueveau)

- Three and Free: Purchase a Series of Skin Pen Microneedling and get a FREE VI PEEL

- Take an Extra 20% off a Series of Diamond Glow Treatments

- Take an Extra 10% off All RF Microneedling, Cool Peel and Duo Packages

- 10% OFF PROLON 5-Day Detox Kit, while supplies last

- BOGO Buy a $100 GC and get a $25 GC for free (limit 4)

- FREE MEMBERSHIP SIGN UP - One Day Only!! Classic and Elite Memberships

Waived ($100 value)

When you purchase ANY of our Black Friday Specials, be entered into a Drawing for a FREE Hand Held LightStim ($249 value)

Soothing and painless, this red light therapy device is FDA-cleared to treat wrinkles or acne on your entire face while working to help smooth skin texture, promote even skin tone and ease undereye puffiness. It is suitable for use on your entire face, including your crow's feet, nasal labial folds, jawline and lips. Available in LightStim for Acne or LightStim for Wrinkles.


These deals are available for purchase TODAY ONLY

Please call 808-339-3595 or visit us anytime between 9 am and 5 pm for any questions or to purchase.