Day 30- Finding Peace


Day 30-  Finding Peace

We discussed on day 3 how the essence of simplicity is found when we are in a peaceful state. It doesn’t mean you don’t have a busy life. However, peace is difficult to find when your life is overly busy, filled with excessive planning, and/or you are attempting to control the future. You may think you have prepared for all possibilities, Peace may seem like it is so close, and then bam….. COVID-19 hits or something else unexpected pops up and throws things into confusion. 

Peace is a stillness within.

If you are chasing after peace you will never find it in people, things or worldly circumstances. Holding on and identifying with things only disappoints and brings distress. Jesus said “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” Peace and ultimately simplicity are found deep within and comes as a stillness. Eckert Tolle says when you get to a point where you “can sense an alert inner stillness in the background while things happen in the foreground - that’s it.” 

How do you recognize when you have lost peace?

You know you have lost peace when you let the things of this world take control or assume a position of absolute importance. When you give the world and things in the world this kind of importance it can become a threatening place, and ultimately a place of hopelessness.

We give your peace away when...

When we are upset about a situation or upset with someone, it is not the situation or the other person that has stolen our peace, the issue is that we have lost our true perspective on what is important. We gave away our peace when we lost our true perspective on what's truly important.


Step # 22

When you recognize you have lost your true perspective on what is important, what should you do? 

 Stop, Take a moment, and Breath. Breath you say, yes, just breath. Close your eyes and Focus, Feel your breath as you inhale and as you slowly exhale. This takes you to a place of becoming aware of YOU! In that place there is nothing else but you. Believe it or not this does stop us from losing our peace. 

For me, once I become aware of me, I connect with my Higher Power or God in this place and I am thankful that things are being put back into perspective. In this place, peace returns along with simplicity!

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